Youth for Peace in the Mediterranean Sea (YxP)


Youth for Peace in the Mediterranean Sea is a 24-month capacity building project in the field of youth involving nine organisations from eight countries (Italy, France, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Spain). The main objectives are: -To improve the key competences of professionals in the field of youth so they can include peace education actions in their programmes and projects; -To exchange experiences, good practices and methodologies between organisations and youth workers from eight Mediterranean countries on peace education and peaceful coexistence in the field of youth; -To create new educational tools for professionals in the field of youth that enable them to educate for peace and social justice to young people, especially those at risk of social exclusion; -To promote the active participation of the young people involved in the project so they can contribute to peaceful coexistence in their communities and beyond; -To create an international network of organisations from eight countries that promotes cooperation and capacity building between EU Member States and Southern Mediterranean countries in the field of education for peace and social justice. The project starts with the identification and selection of existing good practices, followed by different online and face-to-face activities that will contribute to the development of competences of professionals in the field of youth, the local implementation of the new tools with young people and the presentation by young people themselves of participatory proposals for a more peaceful and inclusive Mediterranean. The products and main results will be collected in a Manual and videos to contribute to their dissemination and multiplication, also thanks to the multiplier events, which will be organised in all project countries.




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